Wednesday, 23 March 2011

One More Reason To Make A Whiplash Claim

The case of Mr. Michael Ross, 46 years old from Carlisle, who is a local government response driver for AMEY clearly exhibits what could happen when negligence of your vehicle’s functioning turns into something worse, maybe even potentially deadly.
On June 2009, Mr. Michael Ross has requested a check up on his van a couple of times from his employer because he felt that there was definitely something wrong the brakes. However, time and time again his employer said everything was fine until one day when the brakes stopped working which left Mr. Ross at a problematic situation. In the end, he crashed into the back of another car and later on started to feel symptoms of a whiplash injury like neck and back pain. After that Mr. Ross had the van checked by the company fitter and it was found out that two of the discs had completely seized which made this the cause of the accident. Since this accident was clearly not his fault and was due to the faulty equipment his employer had, he had the legal right to make a whiplash claim against his employer. In consequence, Mr. Ross was able to receive a whiplash compensation of five thousand pounds because of his whiplash injury.
An accident such as this is deeply traumatic especially if people actually got hurt due to your vehicle malfunctioning. If you have a whiplash injury or you are suspecting on having one, don’t hesitate to have a medical check-up and think about making a whiplash claim. This claim, in the end, could grant you thousands of pounds as compensation for your injury, medical expenses and financial loss because of your absence in your work. 

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